Psp Homebrew Game Pack Download
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- Psp Homebrew Game Pack Downloads
Download 80 PSP Games Homebrew. Homebrew games for the PSP. PSP Downloads Development. Game-Addon-Packs; Hacks and. Media Apps; Organization Apps; Wi-Fi / IR Apps; Homebrew Games; Flash Games; General Games; LUA Games.
There are all kinds of really cool homebrews available for the PSP, assuming you have a homebrew-friendly firmware installed. Here is a selection of the games and programs that are the most interesting. Please note that homebrew is not supported by Sony, and installing homebrews on your PSP may void your warranty.
The graphics, audio, music, and menu in 'Silveredge' are polished and impressive. You jump right into the game, and the controls are explained as part of the gameplay. This space-shooter homebrew game feels very much like playing a commercial game.

PSPokemon Grey
'PSPokemon Grey' is fan-made homebrew that brings Pokemon to the PSP. Interact with Pokemon trainers and others to begin collecting your Pokemon.
PSP Magic
Turn your PSP into a digital Etch-A-Sketch with PSP Magic. Relive your childhood with this homebrew version of the classic game. Use it for your own imaginative creations to save and share with others.
'Asteroids' for PSP is a space adventure. You control a spaceship that is fighting its way through an asteroid field. Your job is to destroy the asteroids that approach your ship and not to let them crush you.
Wagic, The Homebrew
Fight as a wizard in the heroic fantasy card game 'Wagic, The Homebrew.' Win battles to unlock new game modes and improve your army. The game is highly customizable; players can create their own cards and themes. 'Wagic' features thousands of collectible cards, although you start the game with only a small collection of cards that symbolize spells and creatures. As you fight, you earn credits to buy more cards and build powerful decks.
Psp Homebrew Games List
No Bugs Allowed
If spiders creep you out, you may not like this homebrew game. 'No Bugs Allowed' is all about fighting waves of spider-like aliens. Your goal? Survive as long as you can.
As you play, you kill enemies to gain money. Use it to upgrade your weapons because your enemies just get stronger in each round of gameplay.
PSP Filer
While it's not a game, BMPFiler is a file manager for PSP. Use it to manage files on a memory stick, UMD, or flash memory when you are nowhere near a PC. With Filer, you can view JPG, BMP, and PNG images and also decompress ZIP and RAR files. It also helps you rip UMDs.
Psp Homebrew Downloads
If you are familiar with the game 'Minecraft,' then you know what 'Lamecraft' is all about. It uses the same concept to allow adults to play with blocks like little kids. Download this highly rated homebrew app and build a 3D world of your own.
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Alice in: Pasta Crocket
In 'Alice in: Pasta Crocket,' you face a lemon pie that sends surprises and traps your way. The queen of hearts has trapped you somewhere in outer space and you are doomed to smash a ball into the lemon pie until you prevail.
Psp Homebrew Store Download
Psp Homebrew Game Pack Downloads
'Flyer' is a classic top-down shooter game. You play as a spaceship pilot who must complete each level by achieving objectives on the way. This early homebrew game for the PSP still provides plenty of fun.
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